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We Recommend to bring your family members that are involved to train together to have a cohesive structure

All Dogs are Welcome
Enroll into Modern Dog Training
Mature dog

Basic Training to Advanced

  • Obedience / Agility

  • Service dog

  • Detection / Utility

  • Anxiety / Reactivity / Aggressive

Puppy Training

Being able to communicate awarness of each other, to build trust and confidence can help with anxiety

Obedience Training

Educating behavior can help you from dogs pulling on the leash, barking at other dogs, physical awarness of capability can bring out the best of your dog

Obedience dog training

Sunday club is where you can test out your social training in a safe private environment, public areas in the begining can be difficult for dogs that need structure and guidance

Agility Training

A simple smooth walk feels good for both parties

The leash is loose, the dog has eye-contact on the handler, chest up

High energy with good spirit, Come train a healthy dog with a healthy mind

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